We were created to bring God glory in the earth as it is in heaven. (Isaiah 43:7); The life of our soul affects the health of our spirit and physical body. (3 John 1:2); The condition of the soul prepares persons for the coming of the Lord and eternal life. (John 3:36)


Mary Moore Jordan is an educator, minister, and certified lay healthcare chaplain. She holds a BS in information management from University of Maryland, University College, and a MA in religious studies from Howard University School of Divinity. She and her husband, Deacon Charles K. Jordan, have four children, five grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Her heart desires to touch lives for Christ. Her favorite scripture is 3 John 1:2;Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.




What an Awesome Book to Read

May 5, 2023

When I started to read Sis Mary’s book, I really had to sit down and read Chapter 1 again because it fed my Soul and Spirit…. It is a very easy book to read with rich nuggets …. The reading blessed me so that I have to purchase a copy for my oldest brother and co- worker…. I’m looking to bless others with “Nuggets for the Soul”. Thank you Mary Jordan for blessing us with what GOD have you to bless others. I’m looking for your next book as GOD give to you….

I love how you encourage us to journal… I’m finding myself starting to journalize my thoughts and experiences.

May God continue bless you with more nuggets.


Love on paper

May 2, 2023

Nuggets for the Soul is full of bite sized pieces of wisdom that combines life and spiritual experiences. Great read!!


Every page was a nugget !!

May 2, 2023

Every Page was a nugget for the Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul..Truly a Blessed read..


Nuggets for the Soul is a blessing!

June 10, 2022

Nuggets for the Soul is a blessing! This little nugget will meet you where you are. Especially Chapter 3 Nuggets of the Mind embracing God and accepting His Word. Your mind will be renewed and transformed.

Deirdre Weathers

This little book is powerful and food for the Soul.

June 10, 2022

This little book is powerful and food for the Soul. I truly enjoy finding myself in this book. Chapter 3, Nuggets for the mind. The mind is a battle field. Embracing God and his word, we become renewed and our minds transformed. Living a new Life!

Deirdre Weathers

Just purchased a copy and is excited about this book.

June 10, 2022

Just purchased a copy and is excited about this book. Reading nugget one and the intro to nugget two has gotten me wanting more for my soul.

Tammie Clark


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